Twitter turbulences and their impact on Altmetric... · Open Access @ Strathclyde

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-03-24


"So the most likely explanation one is able to fathom is that the ‘Twitter crisis’ may be hitting services largely based on social media impact. It’s not just that the desertion of large swathes of very active communicators in the scholarly comms domain to Mastodon has dried up the references (tweets) that should be there for Altmetric to catch. It’s – presumably – also that such a hit to the information-gathering workflow and to its associated business model has somehow rendered the Altmetric snapshot unreliable. The impact of this paper a week after release has surely been higher than 17 (as of Mar 21st, screenshot posted at the top)...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.twitter oa.social_media oa.impact oa.altmetrics

Date tagged:

03/24/2023, 13:13

Date published:

03/24/2023, 09:13