The Center for Reimagining Learning, Inc - Open edX Product Manager

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-07-30


"As the Product Manager for the Open edX team, you’ll regularly engage with internal and external stakeholders to identify, synthesize, and clearly communicate product requirements.  You will focus on delivering value incrementally and optimizing flow.  You will work closely with members of the open-source community including instructors, developers, and firms working with the Open edX platform.  Success in this role  is defined as coordinating efforts to solve the most important customer problems as quickly as possible.  Achieving this will grow and sustain our community of contributors, creating a virtuous circle. ..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.floss oa.platforms

Date tagged:

07/30/2023, 15:23

Date published:

07/30/2023, 11:23