ORCID Announces Second Round of Global Participation Fund Awardees -

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-08-30


"In 2022, we launched ORCID’s Global Participation Fund (GPF) to provide grants under two different programs—Community Development and Outreach and Technical Integration—as a means of improving understanding and encouraging uptake of ORCID in under-represented countries in the Global South. These grants are awarded on a biannual basis in the amount of US$5,000–20,000, with a duration of 12 months. The GPF is one of the initiatives of our Global Participation Program (GPP), which is designed to increase ORCID membership in the Global South.

Grants from the Community Development and Outreach program support local partners in under-represented areas to build ORCID Communities of Practice. These grants can be used to support local outreach activities, training, and tech support resources for the creation and growth of ORCID consortia that serve those regions.

Grants from the Technical Integration program can be used to fund software development to build and update ORCID integrations in open-source systems. This will foster participation in ORCID in currently under-represented regions and support the creation of technical documentation, outreach, and support for resources created through the grants...."



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Date tagged:

08/30/2023, 16:09

Date published:

08/30/2023, 12:09