Thesen zur Zukunft des wissenschaftsgeleiteten Open-Access-Publizierens · Community

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-09-20


From Google's English:  "These theses were developed by the members of the program committee in advance of the conference. They can be discussed in advance and form a topic of discussion at the conference. The aim is to further develop the theses at the conference with the participants. Following the conference, these theses will be published in a revised form.

Thesis 1: Overcome the strategic void

Science-led publication infrastructures require support through an overarching, large-scale strategy. Only a high-profile initiative can guarantee science policy support and the necessary funding commitments and thus strengthen digital sovereignty in science.

Thesis 2: Take diversity of financing and business models into account

Science-led publication infrastructures require different financing and business models depending on the community in order to meet the needs of the respective communities. 

Thesis 3: Strengthen libraries as publication service providers

Science-led publication infrastructures require professional operation. Libraries are predestined to take an active role as publication service providers for science. Publication infrastructures in libraries should be systematically expanded.

Thesis 4: Ensure quality, apply standards 

Science-led publication infrastructures are required to ensure the quality of the content of publications through quality assurance procedures recognized in the respective subject in the spirit of good scientific practice. Assuring formal and technical quality should be implemented by applying open publishing standards for publications and processes.

Thesis 5: Strengthen collaboration with specialist communities

Science-led publication infrastructures need to be firmly anchored in scientific communities and their organizational structures. The cooperation must be participatory. Libraries are required to interact significantly more with specialist communities and to proactively design services for science.

Thesis 6: Promote experiments and innovations

Science-led publication infrastructures have the potential to innovatively design scientific publishing as a field of experimentation. The open-ended testing of new publication formats and the further development of processes, standards and collaborations must be encouraged. 

Thesis 7: Ensure sustainability

Science-led publication infrastructures require sustainable financing and business models. In addition to clear organizational integration, the publication infrastructures require a precisely defined mission statement and the commitment of the supporting organization.

Thesis 8: Orient infrastructures towards the common good 

Science-led publication infrastructures should act with a focus on the common good and design their activities on the basis of the principles and values ​​of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. 

Thesis 9: Enter into new collaborations

Science-led publication infrastructures under academic sponsorship should pursue new cooperation models and act across institutional boundaries so that their visibility and that of their publications increase. Cooperations with external service providers can also make sense if governance is ensured in the spirit of science.

Thesis 10: Implement open science as a paradigm

Science-led publication infrastructures should enable the publishing of texts, data, software and other materials and support their recognition in research evaluation. To this end, they must, wherever possible, be documented openly, machine-readable in accordance with the FAIR principles and made available sustainably...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.german oa.open_science oa.publishing oa.strategies oa.infrastructure oa.policies oa.business_models oa.libraries oa.quality oa.collaboration oa.sustainability

Date tagged:

09/20/2023, 12:29

Date published:

09/20/2023, 08:28