Letter to the UC Academic Council from the UC President and Provost

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-09-28


"As authors and administrators, we are disappointed to learn that publishers are deliberately undermining the stated will of UC faculty, as expressed in open access policy, declared rights and principles, and through author selection of Creative Commons (CC) licenses. We view license to publish agreements that purport to grant exclusive rights to publishers while ignoring explicit author intent and UC policy as a breach of trust by the publishers, both with authors and the institution. Given UC Project Transform’s leadership in drawing attention to this publisher practice, we are confident that the Project Transform Negotiation Team, composed of librarians and faculty, will act with expediency to address this issue in the context of publisher negotiations...."




09/28/2023, 10:35

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Date tagged:

09/28/2023, 14:35

Date published:

07/28/2023, 10:35