Declaration in Support of Open Science with IDEIA: Impact, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-10-24


"We urge that:

1. National research systems expand and strengthen their Open Science policies, programs, practices, and actions to better serve vital research needs and the challenges facing society;

2. Leaders in different Open Access programs focus on ensuring that their programs maximize the impact of Open Science, and ensure good ethical practices, while also protecting and promoting inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility throughout the research cycle;

3. National research systems adopt decentralized models of Open Science through the development and operation of geographical and thematic cooperation networks, taking into consideration the success of the SciELO network and recognizing that Open Science has many diverse forms that can vary by field, institution, and region. These networks should promote and strengthen the equitable development of research capabilities and infrastructures in Open Science and facilitate the sharing of Open Science experiences and best practices."



10/24/2023, 11:40

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Date tagged:

10/24/2023, 15:40

Date published:

09/25/2023, 11:40