What is Open Science for? – OSI Lübeck

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-11-28


"When we ask people what open science is, we typically receive a broad variety of responses, ranging from “it’s about making sure people can read your papers for free (open access)” to “you have to make your data available (RDM)” to “that’s really complicated to describe”. The truth is that open science is all of these things and more, but it is not necessarily complicated. In her talk ‘What is Open Science for? Introducing Helio, Science Reading and Problem Arcs‘ on Nov. 29 at 2 p.m. Monica Gonzalez-Marquez will present Helio as a model that clearly and quickly explains the goals of the open science movement in contrast to the current scientific dissemination system. She will delve into the real questions involving the pragmatics of adopting open science as the paradigm for scientific practice. As such, she will discuss the implementation of the two primary functions of an open scientific knowledge base: comprehension and documentation...."



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Date tagged:

11/28/2023, 10:07

Date published:

11/28/2023, 05:07