Practitioners Hub - Experts in Residence | The Alan Turing Institute

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-11-29


"Our Experts in Residence are reproducibility and open source/science enthusiasts, advocates and practitioners in data science. They understand the importance of open, collaborative and ethical practices and apply them in their work. They are champions of those practices and often provide consultation and hands-on support or engage in capacity-building and training efforts in their teams, networks or organisations. Beyond their own area of work, they recognise the transferable and generalisable nature of data skills and want to collaborate with practitioners working across different sectors."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.reproducibility oa.floss oa.open_science oa.collaboration

Date tagged:

11/29/2023, 16:19

Date published:

11/29/2023, 11:19