Open Science: A New Paradigm for Economic Growth - Financial Times - Partner Content by Frontiers

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-12-02


"Restricting access to scientific knowledge bottlenecks urgently needed innovation and global economic growth. It’s comparable to throttling internet speed or reducing global penetration....

Even though the knowledge economy is the basis of our prosperity and well-being, few know that our science is locked up. Of the four million scientific papers published every year3, only a small fraction of scientists in the world have access to all the knowledge. Compared with internet penetration of around 66%4, the penetration of all scientific knowledge is less than 0.00125% of the world population. It is not globally shared, nor free to read, nor open to all. We are missing out on a vast publicly funded resource at a time when innovation, economic growth, and reducing inequality is more important than ever. It is also bad for business. The knowledge economy is failing to tap into the world’s largest market for ideas...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.open_science oa.economics oa.ssh oa.economic_impact oa.ssh

Date tagged:

12/02/2023, 09:54

Date published:

12/02/2023, 04:54