Applying Librarian Created Evaluation Tools to Determine Quality and Credibility of Open Access Library Science Journals

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-12-02


Abstract:  This article explores the application of journal quality and credibility evaluation tools to library science publications. The researchers investigate quality and credibility attributes of forty eight peer-reviewed library science journals with open access components using two evaluative tools developed and published by librarians. The results identify common positive and negative attributes of library science journals, compare the results of the two evaluation tools, and discuss their ease of use and limitations. Overall, the results show that while library science journals do not fall prey to the same concerning characteristics that librarians use to caution other researchers, there are several areas in which publishers can improve the quality and credibility of their journals.



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Date tagged:

12/02/2023, 13:31

Date published:

12/02/2023, 08:31