Toward a New Precedent in Open Grants: An Exploration of Shared Challenges and Benefits of Making Grant Proposals Open Access in the Academic and Public Spheres | Toombs | College & Research Libraries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-01-04


Abstract:  This environmental scan argues for the value in making grant proposals open access. Applying for and receiving grant funding is an important facet of research. However, accessing information on grant application, review, and award processes remains a particular challenge for early career scholars, researchers from smaller or under-resourced institutions, and traditionally marginalized scholars. While the open access movement has made research publications resulting from funded grants publicly available, grant proposals are rarely included. When proposals are shared, they are difficult to find due to variability in metadata implementation and quality. This work asks: What are central challenges in making grant proposals open access? How can increased access to grant proposals contribute to equity and transparency in funding distribution? What existing repositories contain grant materials? What standards and incentives can be established among grant-seeking and funding stakeholders to improve grant proposal accessibility? This work concludes with perspectives shared during a May 2022 advisory group meeting of stakeholders involved in the Institute of Museum and Library Services–funded project Planning for Open Grants, which focuses on potential solutions in grant seeking and funding processes for working toward an open grants standard across research communities.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.grants oa.benefits oa.obstacles oa.ecr oa.imls

Date tagged:

01/04/2024, 09:41

Date published:

01/04/2024, 04:41