Publish with power: rights protected by QUT’s revised open access policy – Library

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-01-19


"QUT’s revised Open Access policy protects your right to make your research publications open access. This is good for you, for science, and for society. QUT has a reputation as a leader in open access – both nationally and internationally. In 2003, QUT endorsed the world’s first institutional open access policy. The policy was recently revised to incorporate some emerging global practices including a rights retention strategy based on the world-leading Plan S model. As a result, QUT’s Open Access policy is now in alignment with the open access policies of many of the major international and national research funders including the NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council), who recently joined cOAlition S, the coalition of 30 major funders and research organisations behind Plan S. Other members include Wellcome, World Health Organization (WHO), the European Commission and UK Research and Innovation...."



01/19/2024, 03:51

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Date tagged:

01/19/2024, 08:51

Date published:

03/03/2023, 03:51