US e-book lending boom pits publishers against libraries | Context

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-23


"Dubbed "the Netflix model" by some librarians, licensing is not only more expensive, but some worry it allows companies to track reading habits, remove books or censor content.

"Major publishers offer no option for the vast majority of e-books to be owned at all by a consumer, whether an individual or a library. You buy a license to view the file," said Lia Holland from Fight for the Future, a digital rights non-profit.

The clash of interests between publishers and libraries has resulted in a series of legal battle in recent years. 

Publishing companies worry that constraints on e-book licensing could hurt the sector's economics, while libraries argue the higher fees and other restrictions undermine their mission to make books easily available and encourage reading...."


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Tags: oa.usa oa.copyright oa.cdl oa.litigation oa.libraries oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.books oa.internet_archive

Date tagged:

02/23/2024, 15:01

Date published:

02/23/2024, 10:01