[2402.13426] Explaining Relationships Among Research Papers

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-27


Abstract:  Due to the rapid pace of research publications, keeping up to date with all the latest related papers is very time-consuming, even with daily feed tools. There is a need for automatically generated, short, customized literature reviews of sets of papers to help researchers decide what to read. While several works in the last decade have addressed the task of explaining a single research paper, usually in the context of another paper citing it, the relationship among multiple papers has been ignored; prior works have focused on generating a single citation sentence in isolation, without addressing the expository and transition sentences needed to connect multiple papers in a coherent story. In this work, we explore a feature-based, LLM-prompting approach to generate richer citation texts, as well as generating multiple citations at once to capture the complex relationships among research papers. We perform an expert evaluation to investigate the impact of our proposed features on the quality of the generated paragraphs and find a strong correlation between human preference and integrative writing style, suggesting that humans prefer high-level, abstract citations, with transition sentences between them to provide an overall story.




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Date tagged:

02/27/2024, 09:17

Date published:

02/27/2024, 04:17