eLife’s New Model: What is a Reviewed Preprint? | Inside eLife | eLife
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-29
"Sharing preprints accelerates science communication. You can share your research openly and quickly. No shopping around an article until a journal accepts it, no fear of being scooped while reviewers prepare feedback, and as we experienced during the pandemic, faster sharing of research can accelerate discoveries and have tangible benefits to society.
Preprinting can also be a way for you to get feedback from your community. This can help refine and improve your manuscript, or even propose avenues for further research. However, preprints do have a drawback: the lack of the formal and recognised review and assessment seen in peer-reviewed journals.
Researchers, the media and the public need to be wary of claims made in unreviewed research but could lack the expertise to evaluate the research for themselves. This is where Reviewed Preprints come in. Reviewed Preprints bridge the gap between the two main methods of scholarly communication we see today...."