Academics boycott publisher Elsevier
Connotea Imports 2012-03-08
"DON'T expect to see Julie Clutterbuck's name again in the Journal of Differential Equations. Or in any other journal owned by Elsevier, the Amsterdam-based behemoth of scholarly publishing.
Clutterbuck, a mathematician at the Australian National University, has joined a global protest against Elsevier.
At last count, more than 4300 academics had put their names to a website, The Cost of Knowledge....[I]n 2010 Elsevier made pound stg. 724 million ($1.06 billion), representing an operating-profit margin of 36 per cent.
"Academics are heroic complainers and not always well disposed to profit-maximising businesses," The Economist says.
It is true that for some boycotters the grievance is nothing less than the commodification of knowledge. For others, it's more specific to Elsevier...."