Open Biology's first few months
Connotea Imports 2012-03-08
"When we launched Open Biology late last year, our goal was to offer a high-quality, open access journal that met the needs of scientific researchers working in biology at the molecular and cellular level. I feel that we are well on our way to achieving this goal and wish to update you on the progress we have made so far....The challenge with a new journal is to build and maintain momentum. Since launching, we have published a relatively small number of articles. However, I am very pleased with the quality and potential impact of the articles published so far....By launching Open Biology, the Society continues to demonstrate its support for open access publishing. The journal will be funded by charges for articles accepted for publication. Since launch, we have offered a promotional waiver for these charges. However, in order to make publication sustainable, these charges will apply for accepted papers submitted from 1 March. I would like to take this opportunity to explain a little about how this works....Another means of funding open access publication is institutional open access membership. Such memberships allow institutions to pay an annual fee and in return researchers at the institution receive a discount to the article processing charge. The Royal Society has recently launched membership programmes for all its journals, including Open Biology...."