Report on cost parameters for digital repositories

Connotea Imports 2013-03-26


This report provides a high level analysis of published cost models. The analysis features the 
scope and sources of models; access and availability of tools; and the benefits and challenges
faced. Overall, OAIS principles form the basis for all digital preservation cost models 
surveyed so far. Based on the same reference model, the cost models are then tailored to the 
needs of the model creator, depending on the data that is available to the institution and the 
purpose served which makes them difficult to re-use.
The preliminary findings of a review of cost parameters for the selected models, has also been 
provided. This review focuses on how cost parameters map to the International Standard for 
Trusted Repositories (ISO 16363) which enabled us to assess the areas of; Organisational 
Infrastructure, Digital Object Management and Infrastructure and Security Risk Management,
in relation to the cost parameters within each model. The purpose was to assess whether cost 
models were measuring, through their parameters, the relevant activities for a trusted digital 
repository. The final report is due to be completed for the next deliverable, D32_2 (M30).
We also provide a review of a survey to investigate the level of preparedness of institutions as 
a prerequisite to ensure economically-sustainable digital preservation (DP) which was carried 
out in collaboration with the Business Cases work package (WP_36). The general purpose of 
the survey was to review financial approaches undertaken by research libraries and the review 
presented in this report is in relation to cost models only.


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03/26/2013, 10:14

Date published:

03/26/2013, 06:14