Research data goes open access – Mit Horizon 2020 Veröffentlichungspflicht für Forschungsdaten

Connotea Imports 2013-05-02


[From Google's English] "Economics Leibniz Information Centre relevant experts from across Europe and representatives from the European Commission and the ERCEA (Executive Agency of the ERC) in the Brussels office - In February, met at the initiative of CSA - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and ZBW the Leibniz Association to develop recommendations regarding a policy for the publication of research data in open access.   Open access to research information is one of the principles of the EU program Horizon 2020.Access to publications is already reached at the national level on the agenda, a draft law to secondary exploitation rights of publications is being discussed. However, the same open-access strategy for research data that was financed with public money is still in the idea stage.   To also conduct this important step in the ways discussed Prof. Klaus Tochtermann of the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics and Professor York Sure-cousin of CSA are with renowned international experts on the definition of research data, in which areas of Horizon 2020, a public access should be promoted and where the limits. Another important item on the agenda was the establishment of a culture that data sharing and how scientists from the benefit of an open-access strategy can be convinced of their data.   As a result, the panel of experts now are the European Commission's recommendations for six fields of action. These recommendations include mandatory data management plans, especially for projects in the areas of support 'Excellent science' and 'Joint Research Centre' (JRC), recommendations on the conditions such as development of different business models for the licenses, an embargo period of 12 months and the deposit of the data in expandable repositories.In addition, scientists are to be introduced with the help of special data management training to the culture of Datenteilens.  Proposals were, the Department of the Digital Agenda of the European Commission, welcomed by DG Connect. Further meetings and a detailed elaboration of proposals will follow. Contact: Kerstin Hollerbach CSA-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Communication Department B2, 1, 68159 Mannheim Tel: 0621-1246-174 Fax: 0621-1246-185 Email: kerstin. Dr. Doreen Siegfried ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics Management Marketing and Public Relations Düsternbrooker way 120 24105 Kiel Tel: 0431-8814-455 Fax: 0431-8814-520 Email: d.siegfried @ "


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05/02/2013, 16:58

Date published:

05/02/2013, 12:58