Nicht leicht: Wissenschaftsverlag boykottieren

Connotea Imports 2012-05-17


From Google's English: "In January by the British mathematician Timothy Gowers published a call for a boycott of the scientific publisher Elsevier has joined more than 11,500 scientists worldwide. But the action is driven primarily by mathematicians and scientists. Among the economists call, only eight percent of respondents from a Leibniz Information Centre for Economics ( ZBW signed) survey, 39 percent of the total of 813 participating professors and academic staff could be a conscious decision to support....Just last week, the Centre for Mathematics at the TU Munich, had decided to unsubscribe "due to unreasonable costs and terms of" all subscribed Elsevier journals from 2013. The survey finds that although ZBW 73 percent of respondents support the principle idea of open access, requiring all publicly funded research results should also be publicly accessible, but only 6 percent have actually already published in an open-access journal. Saw a lack of alternatives, most forced to publish in traditional Subskriptionszeitschriften, because these often have a higher reputation and a better ranking."


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Tags: oa.petitions oa.boycotts oa.elsevier oa.surveys oa.german oa.mathematics oa.germany oa.economics oa.cancellations oa.ssh



Date tagged:

05/17/2012, 11:57

Date published:

05/17/2012, 11:26