To spark medical innovation, Canada should embrace Open Science - The Globe and Mail

Connotea Imports 2017-01-09


"In short, our universities and hospitals ought to experiment with Open Science. This may seem naive, but it makes economic sense. Open Science will attract industry partners and funding, as the open policy will dramatically reduce the time and effort spent negotiating webs of contracts and will provide industry open access to world expert clinicians and researchers. It will also stimulate local economies, by giving budding student entrepreneurs invaluable insight into business needs and enabling them to launch companies based on a keen knowledge of the market."


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Tags: oa.canada oa.open_science oa.biomedicine oa.industry oa.benefits oa.medicine oa.funding oa.mcgill.u oa.universities oa.hei

Date tagged:

01/09/2017, 12:37

Date published:

01/09/2017, 07:37