Nebula Genomics: Blockchain-enabled genomic data sharing and analysis platform

Connotea Imports 2018-02-12


"The first human genome was sequenced in 2001 at a cost of $3 billion. Today, human genome sequencing costs less than $1000, and in a few years the price will drop below $100. Thus, personal genome sequencing will soon be widely adopted as it enables better diagnosis, disease prevention, and personalized therapies. Furthermore, if genomic data is shared with researchers, the causes of many diseases will be identified and new drugs developed. These opportunities are creating a genomic data market worth billions of dollars....The Nebula peer-to-peer network will enable data buyers to acquire genomic data directly from data owners without middlemen. This will enable data owners to receive sequencing subsidies from data buyers and profit from sharing their data...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.medicine oa.biology oa.standards oa.business_models oa.privacy oa.pharma oa.blockchain

Date tagged:

02/12/2018, 13:47

Date published:

02/12/2018, 08:47