Nutzung von Forschungsdaten: Big Data für die Forscher (Use of research data: Big Data for the researchers)
Connotea Imports 2018-12-18
From Google's English:
"Data is the new oil, the central raw material of the digital age. German research is now beginning to build a kind of "refinery" that can be used to fabricate scientific end products faster, using big data and raw data. The facility is called National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). Last week, the science ministers of the federal and state governments approved their institution in the Joint Science Conference (GWK) .
The program creates the "prerequisite for future-oriented data-based research" and is part of a funding package that is important for universities and non-university research institutions, GWK said. For the development and promotion of the NFDI, the Federal Government and the federal states want to provide up to 90 million euros per year by 2028, of which the federal government finances the lion's share with 90 percent. The program will start in January 2019."