Lessig on the Lobbiest Threat to Open Access…

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"One of my favourite podcast subscriptions is a seminar series from the Long Now Foundation. The most recent release is a presentation by Lawrence Lessig on the way that campaign finance from US lobby groups can distort both US legislation and the legislative process: Lawrence Lessig: “How Money Corrupts Congress and a Plan to Stop It” The whole seminar is fascinating listening, but I think this 2-3 minute fragment from 9 minutes or so in to the seminar may be of interest to the open access/OER community....Among other things, it provides a humourous take on the sense in which open access academic research publications are free, as well describing how it’s possible to legislate to make it illegal for a funder to mandate that research publications be opened up after a year...."



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 11:47

Date published:

01/29/2012, 12:11