Cell Press launches a new open-access journal, Cell Reports

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Cell Press reinforces its commitment to provide a broad range of publishing options for the life sciences community with the inaugural issue of a new open-access journal: Cell Reports. Since the announcement in August, after 6 months of hard work on the part of our authors, reviewers, and editorial board members as well as our own editorial and production teams, the first issue is available online today, January 26, 2011....Through Cell Reports, Cell Press is happy to provide authors with the option to publish in a prestigious journal with immediate open access. Authors can choose to publish their work under one of two Creative Commons licenses, one of which is the most liberal available. Cell Press and Elsevier share an ongoing commitment to promote access to the scientific literature and to support a broad range of sustainable publishing models...."



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 11:47

Date published:

01/27/2012, 20:23