Opinion: Occupy Science? | The Scientist

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"The robustness of the knowledge network will depend on social connections—on the relationships, rules, and forms of trust that hold it together. Far from “barriers” to be removed, these are connections that must be built. This has been well demonstrated by some citizen science projects, which stand or fall on the strength of the social networks that underlie them. Though far from perfect, these projects begin to sketch the outlines of an altered social contract between science and society—one that is open, participatory, and dependent on the collective energy of the community....By seeing how their contributions are used, participants would gain a window into knowledge-in-progress, opening the black box of research to reveal just how far there is to go, and that getting there depends on a collective effort...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Connotea Imports


ru.no oa.new oa.open_science oa.crowd oa.lay oa.networking



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 11:47

Date published:

01/27/2012, 10:22