Elsevier = Evil

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Along with SOPA and PIPA, our government is contemplating another acronym with deplorable consequences for the free dissemination of information: RWA, the Research Works Act....Who could possibly support such a bill? Not the scientists, that's for sure; and definitely not the public, unless we keep them as ignorant as possible. The corporations who love this bill are the commercial publishers who profit mightily from scientists' work. And first among these is Elsevier, the gouging publisher scientists love to hate....So Elsevier bought a couple of politicians to get their way. It's typical unscrupulous behavior from this company; at least they stopped organizing arms trade fairs a few years ago, so we know their evil can be checked by sufficiently loud public opinion...."



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ru.no oa.new oa.comment oa.usa oa.legislation oa.negative oa.rwa oa.nih oa.copyright



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 11:50

Date published:

01/21/2012, 21:08