SOPA and the AAP: Dumb and Dumber? Publishers seek to crush open access in US Congress

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Hopefully you all had a chance to read the AAP's Christmas present "Publishers Applaud Research Works Act, Bipartisan Legislation To End Government Mandates on Private-Sector Scholarly Publishing"; and personally I'm thankful I avoid reading it to the new year, lest I have choked on my turkey with bitter disgust....Every one of you needs to make sure that you bring this potential bill and the moves by publishers to tighten their stranglehold on the intellectual publication market to the attention of the movers and shakers in your own organisation....Frankly it's time we stopped letting the publishers have their own ways in this arena! ..."


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Tags: oa.comment oa.usa oa.legislation oa.negative oa.rwa oa.nih oa.copyright



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 11:51

Date published:

01/19/2012, 10:33