Access to the literature: does interlibrary loan solve our problems?

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


" Can interlibrary loan solve our problems? My answer is no, and I'll tell you why. First, you have to be affiliated with a library to request an interlibrary loan....Second, ILL is not to be a substitute for a subscription. There are a set of guidelines that libraries follow. One of these is CONTU. The rule of 5 states that you can request no more than 5 articles per year from a particular journal (for journals published within the last 5 years)....Third, ILL is expensive. A 1993 report calculated about $30 per transaction....Fourth, ILL is slow....Fifth, a crappy copy days later is not the type of engagement we need right now. We need to be able to mine, to compare, to calculate, to reuse data and tables....With all this said, I really do wonder to whom the publishers are talking when they're hearing that people have the access they need. Are they talking to people who are at institutions like mine? Are they talking to community college instructors? Are they talking to random members of the public? ..."



01/18/2012, 20:34

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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 11:52

Date published:

01/16/2012, 22:03