Connotea Imports 2012-07-31
"Dryad released its 1000th data package....This (arbitrary, but see [3]) milestone has put us in a reflective mood, and so here we take the opportunity to consider what it means. First, it encourages us that Dryad’s multipronged approach to making data available for reuse (raising awareness of the issues, coordinating data archiving policy across journals, providing a user-friendly submission interface, paying attention to the incentives of researchers) is bearing fruit. As a result of this strategy, the rate of submissions continues to grow; over 60% of submissions are from the past nine months alone....What else can we learn from these first 1000 submissions? One is the importance of making data submission integral to publication. While there are 88 different journals in which the corresponding articles appear, about three quarters of the submissions come from the first nine journals that worked to integrate manuscript and data submission with Dryad...We are pleasantly surprised to report that most authors, most of the time, see the value in having their data released at the same time as the article is published. Authors are making their data available immediately upon publication, or earlier, for over 90% of data files...."