Editorial: Free access for all - The Daily Princetonian
Connotea Imports 2012-07-31
"Recently, the University has announced and begun implementing a new open-access policy for faculty publications, in which the University and faculty members reserve the right to republish scholarly articles after submitting them to journals. The Editorial Board applauds the decision, as we believe it will lead to a wider dissemination of important scholarly work, and urges the University to follow through on this plan by establishing a free online journal [PS: the author apparently meant "repository"; see below] to facilitate distribution of faculty scholarship....The next logical step in disseminating this scholarship is for the University to establish a repository where those who are interested can find these articles. After all, it does little good for the University to have the right to publicize journal articles if no one is able to find them in practice. The University appears to be working on this issue at the moment, and we urge them to complete the process as soon as possible...."