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Connotea Imports 2020-10-27


"Physicians, whether in the public or private sector, are increasingly bound to “publish or perish”. Although researchers have become aware of certain ethical concerns relating to the concept of authorship, clinicians still tend to neglect issues of copyright. The present study aims: 1) to explain to orthopedic surgeons what exactly is protected by copyright in a scientific article; 2) to assess the legal implications of publishing contracts; and 3) to specify the means of publication that best boost the author's h-index."



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oa.new oa.copyright oa.biology oa.medicine oa.publishing oa.advantage oa.benefits oa.citations oa.incentives oa.metrics oa.altmetrics oa.impact

Date tagged:

10/27/2020, 11:20

Date published:

10/27/2020, 07:20