Announcing Cell Reports -- a new open-access journal from Cell Press

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Cell Press announced today the launch of its newest journal, Cell Reports, which will publish its first issue in January 2012. Cell Reports, the first open-access online-only journal from Cell Press, will publish high-quality research across the entire life science spectrum. The journal will focus on shorter, single-point articles, entitled Reports, in addition to regular full-length articles. As with all Cell Press journals, the primary criterion for both formats will be new biological insight. Cell Press journals have always placed a high priority on ensuring sustainable access to content by offering free featured articles and providing sponsored-access opportunities, as well as by making all content freely available after 12 months. Cell Reports builds on this commitment and provides authors with the option to publish in a prestigious journal with immediate fully-available global access. Authors will retain full copyright over their articles, and they will be able to choose between two Creative Commons licenses for publication, one of which is the most permissive license that Creative Commons offers...."



08/01/2011, 15:38

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07/31/2012, 12:57

Date published:

08/01/2011, 15:36