Implementing the FAO Open Archive based on Fedora Commons and FRBR | Normes pour la gestion de l'information agricole
Connotea Imports 2012-07-31
"The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has more than 50 yeas of experience in the collection, production and the diffusion of information on agriculture and related sciences. To facilitate access to FAO publications the Organization has implemented two document repositories: the FAO Online Catalogue (FAODOC) and the FAO Corporate Document Repository (CDR).
FAODOC produces since 1945 high quality metadata for both its electronic and printed documents. The CDR contains full-text publications and uses a workflow system based on the Electronic Information Management System (EIMS) to collect (minimal) metadata through the course of the document/publication production process.
Both systems take care of the same group of documents: FAO publications. This harms the proper dissemination of FAO publications. In addition it means efforts are duplicated in cataloguing and maintaining different databases. Therefore it was decided to merge the content of the CDR-EIMS and the FAODOC in one repository: the FAO Open Archive (FAO OA), a digital, open repository to collect, manage, maintain and disseminate all material published by FAO...."