SAGE's Blaise Simqu

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


An interiview with Blaise Simqu, president and CEO of SAGE Publications. Excerpt: "[Q] How does open access fit in? [A] We’ve partnered with Hindawi for a number of years to learn more about open access. But in January we launched SAGE Open targeted toward the social sciences, and it has been very successful. In the first quarter, we received more than 350 submissions. In our view, the social science community did not have a truly effective open access option. We now know that traditional journals and open access will coexist. One is not going to replace the other, just as television didn’t replace radio, and just as videos and DVDs didn’t replace box office films....The marquee journals, the leading journals in certain scientific fields, will continue to be the leading journals. Open access journals will coexist. One will change the other, and both will change each other. But ultimately what is the balance? 50–50? I don’t know. Now, it’s a tiny but growing segment that will someday be more powerful. But the journal industry is huge...."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 13:29

Date published:

06/19/2011, 21:57