DuraSpace Launches 2011 Community Sponsorship Program | Duraspace

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"The challenges of preserving and providing access to researcher data continue to grow and the stakes remain high. DuraSpace, an independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, has launched its 2011 Sponsorship Program to engage leaders from university and library communities in supporting the common goal of ensuring that our scholarly record of digital content and data is saved and accessible for future generations. Community sponsors contribute at three levels of giving...as an investment in community-driven approaches to preserving our digital heritage. DuraSpace...is the home of the DSpace..., Fedora...open source software for digital repositories and DuraCloud..., a hosted service for managing your content in the cloud...."



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 13:46

Date published:

05/07/2011, 23:18