Diversity and Interoperability of Repositories in a Grid Curation Environment

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


Abstract: IT based research environments with an integrated repository component environments are increasingly important in research. While grid technologies and its relatives used to draw most attention, the e-Infrastructure community is now often looking to the repository and preservation communities to learn from their experiences. After all, trustworthy data-management and concepts to foster the agenda for data-intensive research are among the key requirements of researchers from a great variety of disciplines. The WissGrid project aims to provide cross-disciplinary data curation tools for a grid environment by adapting repository concepts and technologies to the existing D-Grid e Infrastructure. To achieve this, it combines existing systems including Fedora, iRODS, DCache, JHove, and others. WissGrid respects diversity of systems, and aims to improve interoperability of the interfaces between those systems.



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 13:47

Date published:

05/05/2011, 21:28