Peter Suber, Free Offline Access: A Primer on OA' (OA Prime)

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"In the shorthand definition I like to use, OA literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. Most definitional squabbles focus on the fourth clause. Drop it and you have gratis OA. Keep it and you have libre OA. Here I want to focus on the second clause. Imagine a body of literature that is OA in every respect except that it's offline. It's still digital, free of charge, and allows unrestricted use, but it's on a thumb drive rather than a network. If you had that thumb drive in your pocket or plugged into your machine, you'd have free *offline* access rather than free *online* access to that literature. If OA literature must be online, then this isn't OA. But it's interesting enough to name and discuss in its own right. Let's call it OA Prime (OA')...."


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Tags: oa.hardware oa.offline



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 13:48

Date published:

05/02/2011, 12:01