CC and data[bases]: huge in 2011, what you can do - Creative Commons

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"With the exception of strongly recommending CC0 (public domain) for scientific data, Creative Commons has been relatively quiet about use of our licenses for data and databases. Prior to coming to the public domain recommendation for scientific data, we published a FAQ on CC licenses and databases, which is still informative. It is important to recognize going forward that the two are complementary: one concerns what ought be done in a particular domain in line with that domain’s tradition (and public funding sources), the other what is possible with respect to CC licenses and databases. This is/ought distinction is not out of line with CC’s general approach — to offer a range (but not an infinity) of tools to enable sharing, while encouraging use of tools that enable more sharing, in particular where institutional missions and community norms align with more sharing. For a number of reasons, now is a good time to make clear and make sure that our approach to data and databases reflects CC’s general approach rather than an exaggerated caricature: ..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Connotea Imports

Tags: oa.licensing oa.libre oa.creative_commons



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 14:42

Date published:

02/01/2011, 22:36