What does open bibliographic metadata mean for academic libraries?

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Recently there seems to be a surge in activity around open bibliographic metadata. Libraries throughout Europe have been experimenting. The British Library and the CERN library are two notable examples of libraries that have decided to release their bibliographic metadata under an open licence. You can get an idea for the amount of experimentation and interest in this area by following the lively discussions on the Open Knowledge Foundation’s (OKFN) open bibliography mailing list. JISC has funded the LOCAH andOpenbib projects which are exploring a Linked Data approach to open bibliographic data from Cambridge University and the British Library (openbib) and Copac and the Archives Hub (LOCAH)....The Open Bibliographic Data Guide is available now and it explores 17 use cases that may be furthered by taking an open approach to bibliographic data...."




01/19/2011, 14:44

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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 15:32

Date published:

11/17/2010, 12:21