Reaching truly open access

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Astrid van Wesenbeeck of SPARC Europe looks at the need for widespread involvement to take the movement even further....Universities should adopt Open Access Policies, mandating or strongly encouraging authors to publish in Open Access Journals when available, and directing authors to deposit the results in the Institutional Repository. Academic libraries should develop plans to cancel their existing "Big Bundle" contracts with publishers which are not willing to convert to Open Access. Funding agencies (national & international) should require as a condition for their grants that researchers publish their work in Open Access immediately, either via an Institutional Repository or an Open Access Journal. In the transition phase, they can consider establishing an Open Access Incentive Funds for covering the Article Processing Charges. Last but not least Publishers should transition to Open Access models, which will still give them a healthy business which will be compensated for services actually rendered...."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 15:35

Date published:

11/09/2010, 07:24