Call for sector to unite behind open access

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"UK Open Access week and the JISC Future of Research conference have seen persuasive calls for the sector to unite on key issues facing UK higher education and research. Now ten leading organisations from the higher education and research sector have joined forces to drive the implementation of open access in the UK, both in terms of policy and promoting a deeper understanding of the opportunities it offers for the UK to maintain its world-wide reputation and impact....At the moment the group consists of senior representatives of two UK universities (Edinburgh and Salford), Universities UK, Research Libraries UK, the Society of College, National and University Libraries, JISC, the UK Research Councils, Wellcome Trust, the Association of Research Managers and Administrators UK, and a leading open access publisher in the Public Library of Science. It will coordinate evidence, policies, systems, advice and guidance, to make open access an easy choice for authors and one that benefits all universities. The group have asked JISC to map out a programme of practical work to make progress in these areas...."



10/30/2010, 14:42

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07/31/2012, 15:41

Date published:

10/30/2010, 14:42