Prestige for a Price? Two Open Access Futures | Peer to Peer Review

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"We can see what the future looks like if we sit back and wait for publishers to design a new funding model. That model will be designed to shore up a dysfunctional system. It will brand open access publications as less important, less selective, and less prestigious by design. It will build a publishing future on a scaffold of inequity and exploitation. The most important research will be an exclusive member benefit. It will treat "free" as a low, low price point, not a virtue that is fundamental to intellectual freedom. It's understandable: they're in business, and they need to sustain their business model. But we [librarians] are not in business, and we have a lot of human and financial resources that we could redirect toward a healthier, more sustainable future...."


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Tags: oa.publishers oa.librarians



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 15:44

Date published:

10/19/2010, 10:21