UMass Amherst Libraries Lend Support to arXiv

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"This fall, the UMass Amherst Libraries contributed $2,880 for the ongoing support of arXiv to help ensure that it remains a viable distribution service for the millions of scholars who depend on it....Since the top 200 heaviest user institutions account for about 75% of institutionally identifiable downloads, Cornell [which hosts arXiv] is asking for voluntary support in the form of an optional fee based on annual use. UMass Amherst Libraries is participating in this voluntary program to support this valuable resource that is heavily used by UMass Amherst faculty, researchers, and students. In this way, UMass Amherst Libraries is supporting the important concept of open access to scholarly information and helping to assure that all submitters and users continue to have free access to arXiv...."



01/19/2011, 14:44

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Tags: oa.repositories oa.physics oa.arxiv ru.kd



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 16:09

Date published:

10/13/2010, 23:23