Southern Illinois University joins UC in protest against Nature Publishing Group

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


From a 6/23/10 memo to SIU faculty: "Morris Library and the School of Medicine Library, Springfield, have experienced price increases from NPG as well. Some specifics: the two libraries entered into a licensing agreement with NPG in 2004; since then, our total cost has increased 300%....If we continue to see increases of this magnitude from NPG we may also find it necessary to take actions similar to those at UC....The pricing demands and increases from NPG are particularly stark, but they are not unique....For example, last year alone Morris Library received notification of price increases exceeding 10 per cent for 775 journals; we were notified of increases exceeding 20 per cent for another 315 journals....Here are some actions that you can take to create change:...[2] Whenever possible, choose to publish in journals with equitable business models – open-access journals, or those with reasonably priced subscriptions. [3] Assert your rights as an author. Negotiate with publishers for better control of and broader access to your published work through an author addendum such as the Scholar’s Copyright Addendum....[4] Place a copy of your work in SIU’s digital repository, OpenSIUC, and encourage your colleagues to do the same....[5] This past year, the SIU Faculty Senate and Graduate Council endorsed a resolution for faculty to support Open Access. A second resolution called for faculty to “grant SIUC permission to make his or her scholarly journal articles… openly accessible in OpenSIUC.” Support this effort and provide your permission when you are surveyed in the Fall...."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 17:29

Date published:

07/14/2010, 23:40