Announcing OverCat

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


Library Thing launched "OverCat,...[a] new index of 32 million library records, assembled from libraries around the world. OverCat was assembled from over 700 sources....The end result is arguably the second-largest searchable database of library records in existence, after OCLC....OverCat is available to LibraryThing members in the course of normal site activity —cataloging small collections of books....It will not be available for external access, including by libraries. It is not a back door to OCLC data. This will come as a disappointment to many, including us. We have long argued for library-data openness and against OCLC’s bid to privatize and monopolize library data. But we also made it clear to the libraries we search that their data will not be made available outside of the context of personal cataloging without their permission....We would love to open OverCat up....We believe data openness is critical to the survival of libraries in our increasingly free and open world. But we depend upon open search portals, and will never open up a library’s data against its wishes...."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 17:52

Date published:

06/11/2010, 15:35