Culture of open access in the University of Kashmir: a researcher's viewpoint

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


From the abstract: A survey of University of Kashmir scholars was undertaken in 2008 to ascertain their experience, attitudes and perceptions about the open access (OA) movement. The purpose of this paper is to report the survey's findings....Scholars (95.23 per cent) retrieved OA content via search engines....The majority of scholars considered OA useful to publish their work quickly, boost their productivity as an author and increase citations of their work. One third reported awareness of more than two OA journals. About 30 per cent reported OA journals as a source of publishing their work, whereas just 10 per cent deposited their works in OA repositories. Overall, Science scholars had the edge over their Social Science counterparts in acceptance of open access....


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Tags: oa.india oa.attitudes oa.surveys oa.south



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 19:09

Date published:

03/22/2010, 22:10