Conference Board of Canada Releases New IP Report, Backs Away From Prior Recommendations

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"The Conference Board of Canada has released its long-promised report on intellectual property policy in Canada. Readers will recall that last spring the Board withdrew three reports funded by copyright groups after admitting that the reports contained plagiarized passages. In fact, the copyright report recommendations and text were taken directly from the IIPA, the leading copyright lobby in the United States....[T]he lead takeaway is to marvel at the difference between a report cribbed from lobby speaking points and one that attempts to dig into the issues in a more balanced fashion....[T]he report recommends greater adoption of open access strategies. In discussing the tabling of a new copyright bill, it notes: 'Simultaneous support for "open-access" initiatives, where appropriate - such as facilitation of the use of government data with suitable safeguards, and readier access to publicly funded research - would help to unlock tremendous stores of knowledge and balance out the resources being expended on protection of rights.' ..."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 20:05

Date published:

02/12/2010, 11:36