Mary Waltham, The Future of Scholarly Journals Publishing Among Social Science and Humanities Associations

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


The final version of a report from the National Humanities Alliance (dated February 18, 2009, but released this week). From p. 31: "Analysis of the journal costs provided for this study confirm that a shift to an entirely new funding model in the pure form of Open Access (author/producer pays) in which the costs of publishing research articles in journals are paid for by authors or by a funding agency, and readers have access to these publications for free, is not feasible for this group of journals." (PS: Passages at pp. 2, 19, 26, and 31 leave the false impression that charging publication fees is the only business model for OA journals.)


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 23:02

Date published:

09/01/2009, 20:40