TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue IP Policy Committee blog --Open Access event in the European Parliament: Why Europe’s researchers and academics want a clear open access policy in Horizon 2020

Connotea Imports 2012-10-04


Use the link to access more information about the upcoming event described as follows: "In the next few months the European Parliament will decide its position on open access scientific publishing in Horizon 2020. A number of the key issues at stake are the present barriers to access to knowledge generated with EU funding, the high cost European public institutions pay for peer- reviewed scientific journals and how to best promote academic excellence and innovation with public funding. [1] How academic publishing is changing in the digital era and what the benefits and difficulties of open access scientific publishing models are. [2] What a clear EU open access policy in Horizon 2020 would mean for academic excellence, innovation and for citizens in general. [3] Issues to be considered: dissemination, effectiveness of public financing, transparency, academic freedom, peer review, research excellence and the financing of publishing costs. [4]  Does open access to publication and data pose affect the management intellectual property rights? [5]  What is the difference between open access for publications and open access for data? [6] What are the benefits of Open Access to scientific data policies for researchers and for public interest? What kind of data are we talking about? [7]  What legal language and what investments are needed in Horizon 2020 to assure open access? ..."


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10/04/2012, 11:16

Date published:

10/04/2012, 07:16